
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Territory of New Guinea-1931 and 1932 Bird of Paradise Postage Stamps-With Air Mail Overprint-Illustrated

Illustrated below are the two varieties of "Bird of Paradise" stamps issued for New Guinea in 1931 and 1932. The original issue was a commemorative stamp issued for the tenth anniversary of Australian adminstration. The stamps from this set were issued with the dates inscribed at the base of the stamp. The second issue of 1932 had the stamp re-drawn with anniversary dates ommitted.
At this time the Territory of New Guinea had no specific air mail issue therefore some of the stamps from these sets were overprinted with an air mail overprint. The examples shown here are both overprinted versions of the stamp.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Australia-South Australia-A Queen Victoria 4 Pence (plum) Postage stamp with "Official" Overprint-Illustrated

Illustrated below is the 4 Pence (plum) postage stamp issued for South Australia between 1876 and 1885. The stamp was overprinted for official use in 1881. Many of the stamps issued in South Australia during the 1870's and 80's have a variety of colour variations and perforations that can make the stamps difficult to classify. Many have minor and sometimes hard to determine compound perforations. Two varieties of watermark appear on the stamps of these years a "large star" and a "broad star". The watermarks are also quite close in appearance.
The example shown here has a perforation of 10 x 11and a half with a broad star watermark. The watermark is illustrated below the illustration of the stamp face.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Austrlalia-1931-Kingsford-Smith Commemorative Postage Stamp "OS" Overprint-Illustrated

Two of the stamps from the Kingsford-Smith Commemorative set were used officially and overprinted "OS" the 2 and 3 Pence values. The original 6 Pence issue was not overprinted for official use. However the 6 Pence was re-issued later in the year with a change of colour from violet to sepia and the legend "Air Mail Service" substituted for the original "Kingsford-Smith World Flights" and this issue was used for official purposes and overprinted "OS".


Australia-1931-The Kingsford-Smith Commemorative Flights Postage Stamp Set-Illustrated

Shown below is the stamp set issued for Australia in 1931 to commemorate the global flights of Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith. The set had three values of 2 Pence, 3 Pence and 6 Pence. The 2 and 3 Pence values were for ordinary post the 6 Pence value for Airmail. The stamps had no watermark.


Australia-1928-A 3 Pence (blue) Kookaburra-National Stamp Exhibition Issue-Illustrated

Illustrated below is the 3 Pence stamp issued to commemorate the National Stamp Exhibition in Melbourne in 1928. The stamp was issued in a small minisheet of 4 stamps and had no watermark.


Australia-New South Wales-1854-59-A Sixpence Imperforate Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Shown below is the 6 Pence stamp issued for New South Wales between 1854 and 1859. The stamp was part of a set with values from 5 Pence to 1 Shilling. The 6 Pence value is known in eight varieties, with both minor and major colour varieties. Issued in deep slate, greenish grey, slate-green, bluish grey, fawn, grey, olive-grey and grey-brown. Of the different varieties fawn is the most highly valued. The stamp illustrated below is the grey variety. The watermarks for the set were a double-lined numeral consistent with the value of the stamp, i.e. the 6 Pence was watermarked with a double-lined "6" the 5 Pence "5" etc. The watermark is illustrated below the stamp face illustration.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

State of North Borneo-1901-1905-A 2 Dollar Postage Stamp (with "British Protectorate" Overprint)-Illustrated

Shown below is the 1901-1905 2 Dollar stamp issued for the State of North Borneo. Many of the higher value stamps were never used postally and many were sold to collectors as remainders. Remainders can be identified by the barred cancellation as shown here. These remainder stamps are not of particularly high value but are of interest to collectors, mint and postally used stamps are highly valued. The 2 Dollar stamp is part of a large set with values from 1 Cent to 10 Dollars.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

British North Borneo-1886-87-1 Cent (orange) and 2 Cent (brown) Postage Stamps-Illustrated

Shown below are the 1 and 2 Cent stamps issued for British North Borneo between 1886 and 1887. (see Half Cent (magenta) and 50 Cent (violet) this blog).


British North Borneo-1886-87-A Half Cent (magenta) Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Illustrated is the Half Cent (magenta) stamp issued for British North Borneo between 1886 and 1887. The British government had taken over administration of North Borneo from the British North Borneo Company and new stamp designs were introduced in 1886. Similar in design to previous issues (see North Borneo 8 Cent (green) this blog) but with the new legend "British North Borneo" over the top of the stamp with the legend "Postage" formerly at the top placed under the heraldic design. The perforation of previous issues of 12 was altered to 14. Most of the stamps in this set are more highly valued lightly postally used than mint.


North Borneo-1883-An 8 Cent (green) Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Shown below is the 8 Cent stamp issued for North Borneo in 1883. In 1883 only two stamps were issued for North Borneo, the 4 Cent (pink) and the 8 Cent (green). The stamps were perforated 12 and both are considered highly valued even lightly postally used. Many of the early stamps of North Borneo were sold as remainders to collectors and these were cancelled with a barred cancellation as the cancellation shown here. This style of cancellation was used postally and early used stamps are hard to distinguish from the remainders. Remainders are generally cancelled in a corner or edge of the stamp, this example however shows a cancel over the face of the stamp suggesting that it may well be a postally used example.


Monday, October 8, 2012

British North Borneo-1886-87 & 1888-92-50 Cent (violet) Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Shown below is the 50 Cent (violet) stamp issued for British North Borneo in 1886. These stamps are not often found postally used and many were sold as remainders to collectors with a black bar CTO cancellation, (as shown here). This issue can be hard to distinguish from a slightly later issue of 1888-1892. The main differences are in the value numbers in the upper left and right corners. In the later issue the "0's" of the 50 Cent value are squared rather than round at the corners. The remainders of the 1886 issue are considered of much higher value than the 1888 issue. Illustrated below the 1886 issue is the "State of North Borneo" 1894 issue (overprinted "British Protectorate"). This is a later issue than the 1888 issue but shows the same squaring of the corners in the "0"  of the 50 Cent value. Below that are details showing the difference in the two issues.


The 1888-87 issue showing value numerals with rounded corner on zero

The 1888-92 issue showing squarer corners on zero 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

British East Africa Protectorate-1896-1901-4 Queen Victoria Postage Stamps-Illustrated

Shown below are some of the stamps issued for British East Africa between 1896 and 1901. The year 1901 was the last year that stamps were issued for BEA since after that year it was merged with Uganda and became British East Africa and Uganda Protectorates. The first stamps issued for B.E.A. in 1890 were 1 Penny and  2 Penny Queen Victoria stamps of Great Britain overprinted with "British East Africa Company" with a value in Annas (Indian currency). When stocks of British stamps were exhausted  in 1892 stamps issued for India were used. In October of 1890 stamps were issued bearing the legend "Imperial British East Africa Company" with values in Annas. However by 1895 the Company was experiencing financial difficulties and the British Government took over the administration of the territory. Thereafter stamps were issued as shown below.

The set consisted of values from a Half Anna (green) to a 5 Rupee (sepia). The values shown below are the 1 Anna (carmine-rose, with a variety issued in 1901 of rosine), 2 Anna (chocolate), 2 and a Half Anna (deep blue), and 4 Anna (deep green).

The 1 Anna (rosine) and 4 Anna each have the "Mombasa"circular date stamp cancellation. Mombasa being the capital of  B.E.A. until it this was changed and Nairobi became the capital.


Friday, October 5, 2012

St Vincent-1921-32-A George the 5th Definitive Postage Stamp set to 1 Shilling-Illustrated

Shown below is the George the 5th definitive set to 1 Shilling issued for the island of St Vincent between 1921 and 1932. The set was originally issued between 1921 and 1922 with the values of a Halfpenny (green), 1 Penny (carmine), 2 Pence (grey), 3 Pence (bright blue), 5 Pence (sage-green), and 1 Shilling (bistre-brown). In subsequent years other values were added, the last being the 1 Penny Halfpenny (brown) in 1932. The 1 Shilling value was issued twice, the second issue in ochre in 1927 (this is the issue shown here). Higher values of 2 Shillings. 5 Shillings and 1 Pound were added in the mid to late 1920's. Many values in the set are more highly valued lightly postally used than mint.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ethiopia-1945-a Partial Set of the President Roosevelt Commemorative Postage Stamps-Illustrated

Shown below are the first three values of  the stamp set issued for Ethiopia in 1945. The full set consisted of the values shown below with two higher values for airmail The first three values were for postage with a 1 Dollar and 2 Dollar issued for airmail postage. In 1945 Ethiopian currency was changed from the original Guerche to Cents with 100 Cents equaling 1 Ethiopian Dollar. The values below are 12 Cents (green and lake), 25 Cent (red and blue) and 65 Cent (blue, red and black). The first two values show the Emperor Haile Selassie with President Roosevelt, the 65 Cent value commemorating Roosevelt's death during World War 2.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ethiopia-1919-Animals and Rulers Postage Stamp Set to 10 Dollars-Illustrated

Shown below is the stamp set issued for Ethiopia in 1919. The designer for the set was Walter Plattner and the set was lithographed in sheets of 100 at the Busag works in Berne, Switzerland. The values of the stamps were in Guerche or Dollars. 16 guerche equaling 1 dollar. The set consisted of fifteen values from a 1/8th Guerche to 10 Dollars. The stamps were perforated 11 and a Half.

Reprints of the set are known, these can be detected from the original issue by differences in the  perforation.On the 3 Dollar value the imprint "Busag Berne" was omitted. The glue used on the reprint was of inferior quality and is often brown in colour and cracked. The set illustrated here is of the original issue.

The portraits are: Haile Selassie (as Crown Prince Taffari) on the 1, 2 and 4 Guerche, the 4, 5 and 10 Dollar values are illustrated with portraits of the Empress Waizeru Zauditu. The illustration on the 6 Guerche value is of St George's Cathedral in Addis Ababa.

                                                     1/8th Guerche (brown and violet)


                                                          1/4 Guerche (grey and green)

                                                         1/2 Guerche (green and red)
                                                         1 Guerche (black and purple)

                                                          2 Guerche (brown and blue)

                                                         4 Guerche (orange and blue)

                                                       6 Guerche (orange and blue)

                                                        8 Guerche (black and olive)

                                                     12 Guerche (grey and purple)

1 Dollar (black and red)

                                                        2 Dollars (brown and black)

                                                        3 Dollars (red and green)

4 Dollars (pink and brown)
5 Dollars (grey and red)   
                                                          10 Dollars (yellow and olive)