
Sunday, October 7, 2012

British East Africa Protectorate-1896-1901-4 Queen Victoria Postage Stamps-Illustrated

Shown below are some of the stamps issued for British East Africa between 1896 and 1901. The year 1901 was the last year that stamps were issued for BEA since after that year it was merged with Uganda and became British East Africa and Uganda Protectorates. The first stamps issued for B.E.A. in 1890 were 1 Penny and  2 Penny Queen Victoria stamps of Great Britain overprinted with "British East Africa Company" with a value in Annas (Indian currency). When stocks of British stamps were exhausted  in 1892 stamps issued for India were used. In October of 1890 stamps were issued bearing the legend "Imperial British East Africa Company" with values in Annas. However by 1895 the Company was experiencing financial difficulties and the British Government took over the administration of the territory. Thereafter stamps were issued as shown below.

The set consisted of values from a Half Anna (green) to a 5 Rupee (sepia). The values shown below are the 1 Anna (carmine-rose, with a variety issued in 1901 of rosine), 2 Anna (chocolate), 2 and a Half Anna (deep blue), and 4 Anna (deep green).

The 1 Anna (rosine) and 4 Anna each have the "Mombasa"circular date stamp cancellation. Mombasa being the capital of  B.E.A. until it this was changed and Nairobi became the capital.



  1. You provided very valuable information and this is very important, and this kind of information is quite beneficial to the people.
    Thank you so much


  2. Thank you very much! This is exactly what I´ve been looking for!
