
Monday, July 30, 2012

Leeward Islands-1938-51-A 2 Shilling George the 6th Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Shown below is the George the 6th 2 Shilling stamp issued for the Leeward Islands between 1938 and 1951. Part of a set of twelve values from a Halfpenny to 1 Pound. Many of the values were re-issued in different colours making a full set hard to find. The 2 Shilling stamp was issued three times during the 14 years with two printings on chalk-surfaced paper, the first in 1938 and again in 1947. The first printing on chalk-surfaced paper was in reddish-purple and blue on a blue paper, the second on chalk-surfaced paper had a minor colour difference, being printed in a deep-purple and blue on blue paper. The third variety in the issue was on ordinary paper, issued in 1942. The example below is of the first printing.

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