
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Great Britain-1939-48-2 Varieties of the George the 6th 2/6 Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Shown below are the two varieties of the 1939-1948 2 Shilling and Sixpence stamp issued for Great Britain. The 2/6 stamp was the lowest value in a high value set. The set has values from 2 Shillings and Sixpence (2 varieties, brown and yellow-green), a 5 Shilling (red) 10 Shilling (2 varieties, dark blue and ultramarine blue) and a 1 Pound (brown). Of the two varieties of 2 Shilling and Sixpence the brown variety is the earliest issue (1939) and more highly valued. The green variety was issued in 1942. Of the two varieties of 10 Shilling ( ultramarine blue and dark blue) the dark blue issued in 1939 is the more highly valued of the two. The ultramarine blue was issued in 1942.

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