
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jamaica-3 Varieties of the 3 Pence Postage Stamp-George the 6th 1938-52-Illustrated

Shown below are the three varieties of the 3 Pence stamp issued for the George the 6th definitive set between 1932 and1952. The design of the value stayed the same throughout the issue with three colour changes.The first issue of 1938 was in ultramarine and green, the second of 1949 in greenish-blue and ultramarine, the third issued in 1952 in green and scarlet. All three are illustrated below. The most highly valued is the 1952 issue.


  1. You've shared these stamps, they are really beautiful. Thank you for sharing


  2. Thank you so much for this wonderful information .This is really important for me .I am searching this kind of information from a long time and finally got it.
    get pincode
