
Monday, January 9, 2012

Australia-1937-George the 6th-3 Pence-"White Wattles" Variety-Illustrated

Shown below is an example of the Australian issue from 1937 George the 6th definitive 3 Penny (blue). The first printing of the 3 Penny was fairly light in colour and was subsequently re-issued in a darker variety. The 1937 printing became known as the "white wattles" variety, a reference to the wattle sprigs on either side of the portrait of King George. There are notable printing differences in the the hair of the king, the eppaulettes on the shoulders, the collar, the shading around the eyes and the dot under the "D" of the value among others. Illustrated is an example of the white wattle variety paired with a later issue for comparison. A detail of the variety is shown below the first illustration.

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