
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

SARAWAK-An 1892 1 Cent Coin-White Rajah Coin-Charles Brooke-Illustrated

Shown below is the obverse and reverse of a 1 Cent coin issued for Sarawak during the reign of the "White Rajahs". Sarawak was originally part of Brunei when the then Sultan of Brunei gave part of his lands to the first White Rajah, James Brooke. There were three White Rajahs the first was James Brooke who ruled from 1841-1868. The second was Charles Brooke who ruled from 1868-1917, The coin illustrated was issued during his rule. The third and last White Rajah was Charles Vyner-Brooke who ruled from 1917-1946 when the territory was ceded back to Brunei.

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