
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Australia-Van Diemens Land-1860's-A 2 Penny Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Illustrated below is an example of a Tasmanian Victorian postage stamp. The value is 2 Pence (yellow-green)and shows a young Queen Victoria, full face portrait. The stamp is curious in that it looks imperforate at top and bottom with perforations on one side and part perforations on the other. The watermark is a double lined reversed "2" (see illustration of back of stamp). The image is quite blurred suggesting a worn plate. These qualities may identify it as an issue of the late 1860's. The stamps were first issued imperforate then in the early 1860's local stamp vendors applied their own perforations or roulettes resulting in some part perforate/imperforate examples of the issue.

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