
Monday, August 29, 2011

Four Versions of the British One Pound Banknote-1940's-1980's-Illustrated

Illustrated below are the obverse and reverse of 4 issues of the British 1 Pound note. The salmon pink issue is 1940 to 1948, signed by K. O. Peppiatt. Serial number prefixes run from A01D to X96H.

The large green note 1950 to 1955, signed by P. S. Beale. Serial number prefixes run from H37B to L63J

The smaller green note was issued in 1967, signed by J. S. Fforde Serial prefixes run from B11Y to L99Z

The most recent is the smallest signed Somerset  issued  1981 to 1983, signed by D. H. F. Somerset
These were the last 1 Pound notes to be issued by the Bank of England.


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