
Friday, September 7, 2012

St Helena-1938-44-George the 6th 1 Shilling,2 Shilling and Sixpence,5 and 10 Shilling Postage Stamps-Illustrated

Illustrated below are the higher values of the 1938-44 George the 6th definitives issued for St Helena. The set had values of a Halfpenny (violet), 1 Penny (green), 1 Penny (yellow-orange), 1 Penny Halfpenny (scarlet), 3 Pence (ultramarine), 3 Pence (grey), 4 Pence (ultramarine), 6 Pence (light blue), 8 Pence (sage-green. and colour variety of olive-green), 1 Shilling (sepia), 2 Shillings and Sixpence (maroon), 5 Shilling (chocolate) and 10 Shilling (purple, the highest value issued for the set). The design for the set was the badge of the colony as shown below, all the stamps horizontal in orientation. The watermark multiple script "CA" with a perforation of 12 and a half. Of the set the most highly valued by far is the original issue of the 3 Penny value in ultramarine.


St Helena-1938-44-George the 6th 1 Penny (green) Postage Stamp-Illustrated

Shown below is the 1 Penny stamp issued for St Helena in 1938. The stamp is part of a set with values from a Halfpenny to 10 Shillings (see 1 Shilling, 2 Shilling and Sixpence, 5 and 10 Shilling stamps this blog). The 1 Penny value in the set was issued twice with another issue in 1940. The 1940 variety had a change of colour to yellow-orange. Of the two varieties the green variety is valued considerably higher than the yellow-orange.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Canada-1933-The 1930 20 Cent "Harvesting" Postage Stamp with 1933 Overprint-illustrated

Shown below is the 20 Cent (red) "Harvesting with Tractor" stamp issued for Canada in 1933. The stamp was first issued in 1930 then re-issued with the overprint for the World Grain Exhibition in 1933. The original issue of the stamp is considered of slightly higher value than the overprinted issue.


Canada-1932-A 5 Cent Airmail Postage Stamp with Overprint-Illustrated

Shown below is the second variety of the 5 Cent (deep brown) airmail stamp issued for Canada in 1930 and 1932. The original issue was valued at 5 Cents, the 1932 issue was overprinted with the value altered to 6 Cents and the legend "Ottowa Conference 1932" Of the two varieties the original 5 Cent issue is more highly valued.


Canada-The 1928 and 1932-5 and 6 Cent Airmail Postage Stamp-Illustrated


Illustrated below are the airmail stamps issued for Canada in 1928 and 1932. Originally issued in 1928 with a value of 5 Cents remaining stocks of the stamp were overprinted with value altered from 5 to 6 Cents. The original 1930 issue without overprint are more highly valued than the subsequent issue with overprint.


Canada-1897-Queen Victoria 1 Cent, 2 Cent and 3 Cent Jubilee Postage Stamps-illustrated

Shown below are the 1 Cent (orange), 2 Cent (green) and 3 Cent (carmine) postage stamps issued for Canada in 1897. The stamps were part of a set with values from a Half Cent to 5 Dollars. In 1897 Queen Victoria had been reigning for 60 years. The stamp design of a young three quarter portrait of Queen Victoria linked to the profile of a portrait from about the middle of her reign was used throughout the set with colour differences denoting each value.