Shown below is the George the 5th Halfpenny stamp issued for St Helena between 1922 and 1937. Originally the set had only four values from 4 Pence and three higher values of 1 Shilling and Sixpence, 2 Shillings and Sixpence, 5 Shillings and 1 Pound. The values of the first issue were all printed on coloured paper. The 4 Pence, 2 Shillings and Sixpence and 5 Shillings all printed on yellow paper. The 1 Shilling and Sixpence on blue/green paper and the 1 Pound value on red paper. During the 1920's and 30's other values were addedd to the set the Halfpenny shown below was added in 1923. St Helena is perhaps best known as the island on which Napolean Bonaparte wa imprisoned after losing the Battle of Waterloo.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Prince Edward Island-1872-A Queen Victoria 12 Cent Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Shown below is the Queen Victoria 12 Cent stamp issued for Prince Edward Island in 1872. Part of a set with values from a Half Cent to 12 Cents. The set all showed a side-face portrait of Queen Victoria surrounded by various shaped frames and in various colours for the values, with the legend "Prince Edward Island Postage". This was the last set issued bearing this legend. In 1873 Prince Edward Island became part of the Dominion of Canada.
Leeward Islands-1938-51-A 2 Shilling George the 6th Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Shown below is the George the 6th 2 Shilling stamp issued for the Leeward Islands between 1938 and 1951. Part of a set of twelve values from a Halfpenny to 1 Pound. Many of the values were re-issued in different colours making a full set hard to find. The 2 Shilling stamp was issued three times during the 14 years with two printings on chalk-surfaced paper, the first in 1938 and again in 1947. The first printing on chalk-surfaced paper was in reddish-purple and blue on a blue paper, the second on chalk-surfaced paper had a minor colour difference, being printed in a deep-purple and blue on blue paper. The third variety in the issue was on ordinary paper, issued in 1942. The example below is of the first printing.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Leeward Islands-1938-51-A 1 Pound George the 6th Postage Stamp-illustrated
Shown below is the 1 Pound value stamp issued during the reign of King George the 6th for the Leeward Islands. Part of a set with values from a Halfpenny (brown) to the 1 Pound value shown here. The 1 Pound value was issued four times between 1938 and 1951,with a variation for each issue. The first issue of 1938 was printed in brown-purple and black on red paper. The second in 1942 in purple and black on a carmine paper. In 1945 the stamp was again issued this time in brown-purple and black on salmon paper. (This is the example shown here). The final issue of 1952 was in violet and black on a scarlet paper. The most highly valued of the set is the original printing of 1938, however some plate errors are known and these are the most highly valued of all.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Newfoundland-1880-82-A Queen Victoria 3 Cent (bright-blue) Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Shown below is the Queen Victoria 3 Cent stamp issued for Newfoundland between 1880 and 1882.
Part of a small low value set with values from 1 Cent to 5 Cents. This was the only stamp in the set to bear a portrait of Queen Victoria. The 1 Cent (dull grey-brown) had a portrait of the young Edward (7th) when Prince of Wales. The 2 Cent (yellow-green) bore an illustration of the Atlantic Cod. The 5 Cent (pale dull blue) an illustration of the Common Seal on an Ice-floe. (see an example this blog)
Part of a small low value set with values from 1 Cent to 5 Cents. This was the only stamp in the set to bear a portrait of Queen Victoria. The 1 Cent (dull grey-brown) had a portrait of the young Edward (7th) when Prince of Wales. The 2 Cent (yellow-green) bore an illustration of the Atlantic Cod. The 5 Cent (pale dull blue) an illustration of the Common Seal on an Ice-floe. (see an example this blog)
Newfoundland-1865-70-A Queen Victoria 12 Cent (red-brown) Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Shown below is an example of the 12 Cent stamp issued for Newfoundland between 1865 and 1870. The stamp was part of a set with values from 2 Cents to 24 Cents. The issue was printed on a thin yellowish paper, without watermark. The original issue had values of a 2 Cent (yellowish-green), a 5 Cent (brown), 10 Cent (black) 12 Cent (red-brown), 13 Cent (orange-yellow) and 24 Cent (blue).
Four of the values in the set were re-issued in 1870 again with no watermark but on a thicker white paper. The re-issued values were the 2 Cent, 10 Cent, 12 Cent and 24 Cent stamps. Two of the re-issued values had colour changes. The 2 Cent changed from yellowish-green to bluish-green and the 12 Cent value from red-brown to chestnut.
Four of the values in the set were re-issued in 1870 again with no watermark but on a thicker white paper. The re-issued values were the 2 Cent, 10 Cent, 12 Cent and 24 Cent stamps. Two of the re-issued values had colour changes. The 2 Cent changed from yellowish-green to bluish-green and the 12 Cent value from red-brown to chestnut.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Australia-1924-King George the 5th-1 Penny Helfpenny-No Watermark-Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Shown below is an example of the George the 5th 1 Penny Halfpenny issued for Australia in1924. The 1 Penny/Halfpenny was issued in scarlet in 1924 and twice in scarlet between 1926 and 1930. The 1924 printing had no watermark the second and third a multiple crown over "A". The 1924 printing and first 1926 printing in a perforation of 14. The third printing a compound perforation of 13 and a half by 12. This example has the 14 perforation but no watermark.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Australia-1914-20-A KIng George the 5th 5 Penny (brown) With Double Perforation-Illustrated
Shown below is the 5 Pence King George the 5th stamp issued for Australia between 1914 and 1920. The stamp was used for official purposes, official stamps were perforated with an "OS" for official use. The example shown here is a scarcer variety with the double perforation "OS NSW" (official service New South Wales-a state in the Australian Commonwealth)
-See the 1913 "Kangaroo" 3 Pence (olive) this blog. The example below also shows another variety in the perforation size used for official stamps. The KGV 5 Pence perforations are slightly larger The watermark, the narrow pointed crown over "A", is shown below the stamp face illustration. (called by Australian collectors watermark 2).
-See the 1913 "Kangaroo" 3 Pence (olive) this blog. The example below also shows another variety in the perforation size used for official stamps. The KGV 5 Pence perforations are slightly larger The watermark, the narrow pointed crown over "A", is shown below the stamp face illustration. (called by Australian collectors watermark 2).
Australia-1913-14-A 3 Penny "Kangaroo" Official Postage Stamp With Double Perforation-Illustrated
Illustrated below is an example of the 3 Penny (olive) stamp issued for Australia in 1913-1914. The original method for identifying stamps used officially was by perforating the stamp with "OS". This example of the stamp shows the scarcer variety perforated "OS NSW" (official stamp New South Wales- a state in the Australian Commonwealth). The watermark (a large crown over "A") is shown below the stamp face illustration.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
India-Patiala-1885-1890-A Queen Victoria Half Anna (blue-green) Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Illustrated below is another variation of overprint issued for Patiala, used during the reign of Queen Victoria. The spelling of Patiala (in red) is that of 1885-1890 with the "Service" overprint in black. The "Service" overprint in this variety slightly smaller that that used on the 2 Anna (see 1885-1890 2 Anna (dull blue) this blog). This example also has the local cancel "P" (Patiala)
India-Patiala-1891-1900-A Queen Victoria 1 Rupee Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Illustrated below is the 1 Rupee (slate) issued in 1891-1900 for Patiala, an Indian Convention State during British rule. Indian Convention States were those states of India that came under direct British rule. This distinguished them from states called Indian Native States or Feudatory States that were still independent but recognized Great Britain as the dominant power throughout India.
Within the Indian Convention States all stamps were issued by Britain but overprinted with the name of the convention state to which they were assigned. The stamp is also overprinted for official use indicated by the word "Service". The 1 Rupee was the highest value in a set of stamps with nine values from a Half Anna (blue-green) to the 1 Rupee.
Within the Indian Convention States all stamps were issued by Britain but overprinted with the name of the convention state to which they were assigned. The stamp is also overprinted for official use indicated by the word "Service". The 1 Rupee was the highest value in a set of stamps with nine values from a Half Anna (blue-green) to the 1 Rupee.
Ireland (Eire)-1937-A High Value Postage Stamp Set-Illustrated
Illustrated below is the high value set issued for Ireland (Eire) in 1937. The three stamps were a 2 Shillings and Sixpence (green), 5 Shilling (maroon) and 10 Shilling (blue). The figure represents St Patrick the patron saint of Ireland. The legend "leat-coroin" at the base of the 2/6 value translates as "a half crown", the value of a crown was 5 Shillings in pre-decimal British currency.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
India-Gwalior-1903-1911-2 King Edward the 7th 2 Anna Postage Stamps-Illustrated
Illustrated below is the 2 Anna stamp issued for Gwalior, an Indian Feudatory State during British rule. The stamp was part of a set of twelve values from 3 Pies to 2 Rupees. Within the set some of the values are known with colour varieties and shades. The 2 Anna, 4 Anna and 8 Anna are known to have colour shades. The 2 Anna illustrated below has shades from pale violet to mauve. The pale violet slightly more highly valued used than the mauve but the mauve more highly valued mint than the pale violet.
India-Faridkot-1887-1900-A Queen Victoria 2 Anna (blue) Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Illustrated is the 1887-1900 Queen Victoria 2 Anna stamp issued for Faridkot, an Indian Feudatory State during British rule. The 2 Anna stamp is part of a set with 8 values from a Half Anna to 1 Rupee. Six of the values however, the 1 Anna. 2 Anna, 3 Anna, 4 Anna, 6 Anna and 8 Anna, were issued in two colour varieties making a full set of 10 stamps. Many of the stamps in the set are considered of slightly higher value lightly postally used than mint. Some of the values in the set are also mis-printed with letters missing from the overprint (often the "F" of Faridkot left out) making these error stamps of very high value when mint.
India-Jind-1903-06-A King Edward the 7th 4 Anna Postage Stamp-Official Overprint-Illustrated
Shown below is the 1903-1906 4 Anna stamp issued for Jind, an Indian Convention State during British rule. The side-face portrait is of Edward the 7th who assumed the British throne in 1902. The official and overprinted issues for stamps used in India at the time showed some variety in the spelling of Jind, with the name spelled alternatively as "Jeend", "Jhind" and then finally "Jind"the spelling used on the issues from George the 5th onwards.
Soruth-Indian Feudatory State-1923-A 3 Pies (Mauve) Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Shown below is the 3 Pies stamp issued in 1923 for Soruth, an Indian feudatory state during British rule. The portrait on the stamp is of Nawab Mahabat Khan the 3rd, ruler of Soruth at the time.
The stamp was quite blurred in appearance and perforated with pin-perforations (approx 12). This was felt to be an unsatisfactory stamp and a new plate was made in 1924 that produced a sharper image. The original issue was then discontinued. The original issue is now considered of slightly higher value than the subsequent issue and is also considered slightly more highly valued when lightly postally used than mint.
The stamp was quite blurred in appearance and perforated with pin-perforations (approx 12). This was felt to be an unsatisfactory stamp and a new plate was made in 1924 that produced a sharper image. The original issue was then discontinued. The original issue is now considered of slightly higher value than the subsequent issue and is also considered slightly more highly valued when lightly postally used than mint.
Seychelles-1892-93-2 Queen Victoria 4 Cent Postage Stamps-Illustrated
Shown below are two of the varieties of the 4 Cent stamp issued for the Seychelles in 1892 and 1893. This design was first issued in 1890. The issue from 1890 showed a minor difference in the second facet of the diadem (above the Queens eye), with two small lines of shading. This is now listed as Die 1. In the second issue of 1892 (Die 2) the diadem facet shows no lines of shading. The stamp illustrated is Die 2. Die 1 is considered of higher value than Die 2. In 1893 the same stamp was overprinted locally with a 3 Cent value. Illustrated below. The original issue was part of a set that had values from 2 Cents to 96 Cents, Die 2 part of a set of six values from 2 Cents to 16 Cents,
There is another variety to be found on the issue of the 1893 set with two values (the 10 Cent (ultramarine and brown) and the 16 Cent (ultramarine and brown) both known to have a malformed "S" in the "Postage" legend running down the right side of the stamp.
There is another variety to be found on the issue of the 1893 set with two values (the 10 Cent (ultramarine and brown) and the 16 Cent (ultramarine and brown) both known to have a malformed "S" in the "Postage" legend running down the right side of the stamp.
Great Britain-1939-48-2 Varieties of the George the 6th 2/6 Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Shown below are the two varieties of the 1939-1948 2 Shilling and Sixpence stamp issued for Great Britain. The 2/6 stamp was the lowest value in a high value set. The set has values from 2 Shillings and Sixpence (2 varieties, brown and yellow-green), a 5 Shilling (red) 10 Shilling (2 varieties, dark blue and ultramarine blue) and a 1 Pound (brown). Of the two varieties of 2 Shilling and Sixpence the brown variety is the earliest issue (1939) and more highly valued. The green variety was issued in 1942. Of the two varieties of 10 Shilling ( ultramarine blue and dark blue) the dark blue issued in 1939 is the more highly valued of the two. The ultramarine blue was issued in 1942.
Australia-1915-28-A 5 Shilling (Grey and Yellow) Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Illustrated below is the 5 Shilling (grey and yellow) stamp issued between 1915 and 1928 for Australia. In 1913 the newly federated states of Australia began to issue stamps that were valid for use throughout the whole of Australia. Previous to 1913 individual states issued their own stamps. The 5 Shilling is part of a larger set with values from Two Pence (grey) to 2 Pounds (black and rose). Many of the early issues had the same colour and value as subsequent issues and the only way to distinguish different issues is by the watermark. This example has the Narrow Crown over "A" of the 1915 issue (the first issue had a similar watermark, however the crown is broader) This is called by Australian stamp collectors the 3rd watermark. The watermark is illustrated below the stamp face illustration.
Cochin-1949-3 Pies (Carmine)-"C for G" Variety Postage Stamp-Illustrated
Sunday, July 1, 2012
"Marathon Boy"

If works like these could be said to be one development from the kouros figure perhaps the sculptural group treating a legendary event is another......See Laocoon and his Sons-A Further Analysis (this blog)
Natal-1876-1 Shiling-(Green)-Postage Stamp-Local Overprint-Illustrated
Shown below is the 1876 Natal 1 Shilling (green) stamp with "Postage" overprint. The stamp was overprinted locally. The overprint is very similar to an overprint used in the first issue of the stamp of 1869, The 1869 overprint is quite rare, only 60 are known to have been overprinted, making the 1869 variety quite valuable. The watermark for both issues of the stamp is a crown over "CC" and both have a perforation of 14. The watermark is illustrated below the stamp face illustration

Great Britain-1969-"Anniversaries of Events Described on Stamps" Postage Stamps Set-Illustrated
Shown below is a set of commemorative stamps issued for Great Britain in 1969. The set commemorates events previously described on issued stamps. The set had five values from 5 Pence to 1 Shilling and 9 Pence. The first two values were multicoloured with the 1 Shilling value issued in claret, red and blue, the 1 Shilling and Sixpence, multicoloured and the 1 Shilling and 9 Pence in turquoise-green, yellow and sepia.
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