
Monday, October 31, 2011

A Small Mixed Media Work-On the Studio Wall-Andrew Highton

A small mixed media piece (wood, ply-wood,metal, oil paint, bitumen) shown in situ on the studio wall. Whereabouts now unknown.

"Memento of Paris"-Mixed media on wood-30 cm high x 22 cm wide-Andrew Highton

Illustrated below is a small work in mixed media (cloth,wax,wood and oil paint) part of a series of "Travel Mementos" produced in 1991-1992. Shown at Pinacotheca in Melbourne. This was sold in the Theresa Byrnes Art Auction some years later.

A Photograph From the Archives-The Artist and His Daughter Charlotte

Illustrated below is a photograph by Sharon Pinney of the artist Andrew Highton and his daughter Charlotte in the studio.

"The Bench by the Pond-A Painting in Oil by Andrew Highton-1998

Illustrated below is a painting from 1998 approx 2 metres x 50 cm in oil paint. One of a series of tightly controlled cropping of the subject area that attempted to reduce the "information" available to the viewer leaving out (for example) the opposite bank of the pond, and thereby (hopefully) to increase the latent mystery in an everyday scene. Below the first illustration is a detail from the painting. Click on the image to enlarge it then back-page to return to the blog.

"Memorial to a Bowler"-A Painting in Acrylic by Andrew Highton

Illustrated below is a painting "Memorial to a Bowler" Acrylic on canvas approx 120 cm high x 60 cm wide.Shown at the "Sporting Images in Art" show at EMR Gallery, Sydney in 1989.
Click on the image to enlarge it then back-page to return to the blog.

"Head of a Kangaroo"-Set Painting by Andrew Highton

Illustrated below is a still from Tanya Denny's production of "Who's Afraid of the Working Class ? ", performed at the New Theatre Newtown in 2002. The still shows a set painting in acrylic by Andrew Highton" Head of a Kangaroo". The size of the painting was approx 4 metres high x 3 metres wide.

A Painting From 1990-"Fathers And Sons" Acrylic on Multiple Canvases-Approx 100cm wide x 90cm high

Illustrated below is a painting part of a series from the early 1990's of  images from the 1940's and 1960's. A kind of "Neo-Pop" for the 90's. There is a detail illustrated below the image of the painting. Click on the image to enlarge it then back-page to return to the blog.

A Painting from 1997-Oil on Canvas-2000mm x 650mm-"Horse With Jockey"

Illustrated below is a painting from a series from the late 1990's using a narrow focus, with a river as a background showing reflections of "unseen" figures on the opposite bank. This is an oil on canvas approx 2 metres by 650 mm. Click on the image to enlarge it then back page to return to the blog.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Persia-A 1903 5 Chahis Official Postage Stamp-Reign of Muzaffer-ed-Din-Illustrated

Illustrated below is a 5 Chahis (red) stamp with an example of the official overprint in French.

Persia-A Partial Set of 1929 Postage Stamp Definitives-Riza Shah Pahlavi-Illustrated

Illustrated below are four of the values from the 1929 issue of definitives featuring Riza Shah Pahlavi. The values were in Chahis. 20 Chahis=1 Kran, 10 Krans= 1Toman. The set had 16 values from 1 Chahis to 3 Toman and features a portrait of the Shah.

Papua/New Guinea-A Partial Set of the 1932 Postage Stamp Definitive Set-Illustrated

Illustrated below are the 1Penny, 4 Penny, 5 Penny and 9 Penny values of the definitive stamp set issued for Papua (now Papua New Guinea) in 1932. The set consisted of 16 values from a Halfpenny (black and orange) to a 1Pound (black and grey) value. The stamps all had motifs of Papuan Native life.

Australia-The 1937 150th Anniversary Postage Stamp Set-Illustrated

Illustrated below is the postage stamp set issued for the 150th Anniversary of the Landing of Governor Phillip at Sydney Cove in 1988. The set had three values the 2 Penny (red), the 3 Penny (blue) and the 9 Penny (purple).

Australia-3 Postage Stamp Issues Featuring Kookaburras-Illustrated

Illustrated below are three of the Australian postage stamps that featured Kookaburras. The first illustration is of the 3 Penny (blue) issued in 1928 for the Australian Philatelic Exhibition in Melbourne. The second illustration is the 1931 issue of the 6 Penny (claret), one of a set of two stamps, the other the 1 Shilling (green) "Lyrebird" and the third is the 6 Penny (brown) part of set of six issued in 1937. The set consisted of six values from a Halfpeny to 1 Shilling featuring Australian animals and birds.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

18 Examples of Artwork-Various Dates and Media-Andrew Highton

"Ancient Landscape with Sailor"-Acrylic on Canvas-610 mm x 610 mm-1989-Andrew Highton

Deatail of Ancient Landscape with Sailor

"Mullock Heaps at the Seven Mile, Lightning Ridge"-Oil on Canvas-340mm x 440 mm-2008-Andrew Highton

Detail of Mullock Heaps at the Seven Mile

"Abandoned Car, Lightning Ridge"-Oil on Canvas-610 mm x 505 mm-2008-Andrew Highton

Detail of Abandoned Car

"Landscape Blue Mountains N.S.W."-Oil on Canvas-340 mm x 440 mm-2009-Andrew Highton

Detail Landscape Blue Mountains

"Venice Memento"-Oil Paint,cloth,wax,gold paint on canvas on board-265 mm x 310 mm-1992-Andrew Highton 

Detail of Venice Memento

"Book-Heroes of the World"-Wood, plywood, canvas, oil paint-150 mm x 200 mm-1996-Andrew Highton 

"Book-Wonders of World Aviation"-Wood, plywood, canvas, oil paint-220 mm x 280mm-1995-Andrew Highton

"How I Discovered America"-Acrylic paint on Canvas-1700 mm x 1300 mm-1990-Andrew Highton

Detail How I Discovered America

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

9 Drawings-4 Nudes-3 Still Lives-A Piece of Cake-Untitled-Various Media/Dates

Below are 9 drawings various dates from the 1980's 1990's and 2000's. Media include : Coloured Pencils, Dry Pastel, Charcoal, Ink and Watercolour. To enlarge the image click on it then back page to return to the blog.
"A Piece Of Cake" 145 mm x 140 mm Watercolour on Paper Andrew Highton 1980

"Nude Study" Coloured Pencil on Paper 260 mm x 410 mm Andrew Highton 1984

Chinese Biscuit Tin With Objects  Coloured Pencil on Paper 250mm x 230mm Andrew Highton 1984

"Nude Study" 265 mm x 410 mm Charcoal Dry Pastel Watercolour on Paper Andrew Highton 2008

Untitled Drawing Dry Pastel and Ink on Arches Paper 193 mm x 270 mm Andrew Highton 1992

"Tied Objects" Coloured Pencil on Paper 205 mm x 300mm Andrew Highton 1984

"Nude in the Garden" 270 mm x 350 mm. Dry Pastel and Watercolour on Paper. Andrew Highton 2008

"Nude in the Garden" 265 mm x 410 mm. Dry pastel Charcoal Watercolour on Paper. Andrew Highton 2008.

"Chinese Biscuit TIn with Toy Gun and Coloured Block. 375mm x 230mm Coloured Pencil on Paper. Andrew Highton 1984

Untitled Drawing- Mixed Media-1992

Illustrated below is a drawing from 1992 mixed media on Arches paper. Size 268mm high x 194 mm wide.

"Untitled" Drawing. Mixed media, dry pastel, ink, graphite on paper. 268mm x 194 mm-Andrew Highton 1992.

A Watecolour-"A Piece of Cake"-1980

Illustrated below is a watercolour I produced in 1980. Approximately 100mm High x 120mm Wide.

Watercolour on Paper. 100 x 120 mm "A Piece Of Cake" Andrew Highton 1980