First issued in 1913 and printed by Waterlow Brothers and Layton the Sea Horses were subsequently printed in 1915 by De La Rue and Co and again in 1918-19 by Bradbury,Wilkinson and Co. the original Waterlow plates were taken over by De La Rue and some re-working was done resulting in some variation in design details. One very visible difference are the lines behind the profile portrait of George V. Originally only horizontal, reworking added diagonal lines that appear in later printings. The issue at the top of the first illustration is the earliest printing of the stamp. As there were varieties caused by subsequent printings so too in colour. This becomes apparent when two examples of earlier and later printings are placed together. Originally sepia-brown later printings were yellow-brown and olive-brown. The details below show some of these re-engravings that are visible in the later issues.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
George the 5th-1935 Silver Jubilee Postage Stamp Set-Illustrated
Illustrated below is the 1935 George the 5th Silver Jubilee stamp issue. The set consisted of a Halfpenny (green), 1 Penny (scarlet), Penny Halfpenny (red-brown) and 2 Penny Halfpenny (blue). A Prussian blue shade of the 2 Penny Halfpenny is also known and highly valued. Below the set is a detail of the 2Penny Halfpenny.
Albanian Coin-The Half Lek Issue 1926-King Zogu
Illustrated below is the obverse and reverse of the Half Lek coin of Albania. Issued in 1926. King Zogu had temporarily unified Albania when the rule of the Ottoman Turks had collapsed. The coin is nickel and was part of a new issue of bronze, nickel and silver coins. The obverse shows the double-headed eagle royal emblem. The reverse Hercules killing a lion. 24mm in diameter.
A 1951 and 1962 Silver Australian Florin-George the 6th and Queen Elizabeth the 2nd-Illustrated
Illustrated below are the obverse and reverse of two Australian Florins.
1951 Australian Silver Florin
50% Silver
The 1951 was issued during the reign of George the 6th. The 1951 Florin was the first issue since 1947.Previous issues of the florin carried the legend "F D" the 1951 issue carried the modified legend "FIDEI DEF" (Defender of the Faith), to fill a gap left by "IND : IMP (Emperor Of India), no longer valid since Indian indepence in 1947. This change of legend was the cause of some controversy and was modified again in the 1955 to 1963 florin issues carried the legend "ELIZABETH. 11. DEI. GRATIA. REGINA. F: D: + (Elizabeth 2nd Queen by the Grace of God. Defender of the Faith)
1962 Australian Silver Florin
.500 Silver
Next to last year of issue, Florins were not issued after 1963. Australia converted to decimal currency in 1966.
The image on the reverse of the coin was the Coat of Arms of Australia This comes in two forms, all with the kangaroo, emu and the shield containing the coat of arms. Florins issued between 1910 and 1936 have a star above the Coat of Arms, and the Southern Cross within the shield. Florins issued between 1938 and 1963 have the royal crown above, the six states represented in the shield and wattle plant as a background.
A 1966 Kennedy Silver Half Dollar-Illustrated
Illustrated below is the obverse and reverse of a U.S.A. Kennedy half dollar. The specifications are given below.
Obverse Image: John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States.
Reverse Image: Eagle holding an olive branch (peace) and arrows (strength). The thirteen stripes represent the 13 colonies. The horizontal bar across the top represents Congress forming one government from many. Fifty stars representing the fifty states encircle the eagle.
Reverse Image: Eagle holding an olive branch (peace) and arrows (strength). The thirteen stripes represent the 13 colonies. The horizontal bar across the top represents Congress forming one government from many. Fifty stars representing the fifty states encircle the eagle.
Diameter 30 mm
Metal Composition: 40% silver, 60% copperTotal Weight: 11.5 grams
First minted in 1964 and intended as a memorial to the assassinated President John F. Kennedy, it was authorized by Congress just over a month after his death. Sculptors were Gilroy Roberts and Frank Gasparro. Striking of the new coins began in January 1964.
After their release in April 1964, due to collectors, hoarders, and those interested in a memento of the late president, the coins did not circulate well as currency and although the U.S. Mint greatly increased production, the denomination still failed to circulate. Continued rises in the price of silver increased the hoarding—many early Kennedy half dollars have been melted for their silver. Starting with 1965-dated pieces, the percentage of fine silver was reduced from 90% to 40% (silver clad), to promote their circulation as currency but this still failed to properly introduce the coin.
Queen Victoria-Jamaican Postage Stamp-1883-1897-Type 2 Overprint
Illustrated below is an example of the halfpenny issue from the 1883-1897 set. The set values ran from a halfpenny (yellow-green) to a 5 Shilling (lilac). Only the Halfpenny values were overprinted for official use in 1890-91 and two types of overprint were used. Type 1 with slender letters that measured 17-17and a half mm long. Type 2 in bolder letters measured 15-16 mm. The example below is of type 2 overprint.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The 1984 Australian Ausipex Postage Stamp Minisheet
Illustrated below is the Australian "Ausipex" Minisheet issued in conjunction with the World Philatelic Exhibition held in Melbourne. There were seven 30 cent values all with reproductions of the first Australian State stamp issues with the seventh stamp the first Federal issue. The details below are of three of the stamps in the sheet.

Turkey-Some Turkish Banknotes-1970's-1990's
Illustrated below are the obverse and reverse of Turkish banknotes. While all of them bear the date of 1970 not all of them are from the 1970's. Turkish banknotes went through many printings throughout the decades 1970-1990 with some minor and major variations in the designs too complicated to define here. One constant of the designs was the portrait of Kemal Ataturk, at different ages in profile three quarter view or full face, and whatever portrait is used for the banknote also appears as the watermark.

Some Syrian Banknotes-1980's-1990's
Illustrated below are some denominations of Syrian Pound notes. The earliest, the 1 pound, was issued in 1982. The other denominations in 1991. Some of the specifications are given below.
Syria 1 Pound 1982
Obverse: Turner (lathe operator); Reverse: Water wheels of
Hama in Orontes River. Watermark: Head of an Arabian horse.
Syria 5 Syrian Pounds 1977-1991 Obverse: The Bosra Amphitheatre. Zenobia (Julia Aurelia Zenobia Cleopatra) the female warrior. Reverse: Worker behind spinning frame. Women picking cotton harvest. Watermark: Head of an Arabian horse. Governors: Nassouh Al Dakkak
(1971-1978); Rifaat Al Akkad (1978-1984); Dr. Hisham Mutawalli (1984-1987); Mohammad Al Sharif(1987-1995).Syria 10 Pounds 1991
Obverse: Al-Azem Palace in Damascus; female dancer;
Reverse: Ivory vessel; water plant. Watermark: Head of an Arabian horse.
Syria 50 Syrian Pounds 1977-1991 Obverse: Euphrates Dam (Tabaqah, Tabqa Dam, al-Thawra Dam). Water Goddess' statue with vase and water spouting from the vase. Archaic Dynasties Stone statue, Mari, National Museum in Aleppo. Reverse: The Citadel of Aleppo. Watermark: Head of an Arabian horse. Governors: Nassouh Al Dakkak (1971-1978); Rifaat Al Akkad
(1978-1984); Dr. Hisham Mutawalli (1984-1987); Mohammad Al Sharif (1987-1995).South African 50 and 100 Rand Banknotes-Old Series-1992
Illustrated below are the obverse and reverse of the South African 50 and 100 Rand banknotes. This set of notes were introduced in 1992 with the "Big Five" wildlife species as the main design. The 100 Rand note was introduced in 1994. In 2005 the 1990's notes were superseded by a new issue using the same size, colour and design but with added security features and incorporating all 11 of the official South African languages
Queen Victoria Postage Stamps-2 Early Issues from Natal-1870's and 1880's
Illustrated below are two stamps issued for Natal during the reign of Queen Victoria. The first is the 1 penny, part of set issued between 1874 and 1899. The set consisted of the 1 penny (with dull and bright rose shades), 3 penny (blue), 4 pence (brown), 6 pence (bright reddish-violet) and a 5 Shilling value that was issued as (maroon 1874 + 1882),( rose), and (carmine 1889). This example is hand cancelled.
The second example illustrated was issued between 1882 and 1889 with a value of a halfpenny (blue-green). This set consisted of values from a halfpenny to sixpence . The 1 penny (rose/with carmine shades), 3 penny (blue-1884), 3 penny (grey-1889), 4 pence (brown) and Sixpence (mauve).
Monday, August 29, 2011
A 1919 Azerbaijan Democratic Republic Postage Stamp
Illustrated below is an example of an Azerbaijan stamp issued in 1919 during a brief period of independence from Russia. After the First World War when the Russian Empire fell apart many of the smaller satellite states on Russia's border claimed independence with Azerbaijan among them. From 1918-1920 the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was formed and issued a set of 10 stamps known as the Moussavat Set issued in thin white unperforated paper. The example below is of a farmer with wheat crop and has a value of 1 rouble. I have also seen this design with a value of 40 Kop (believed to be a Soviet government re-issue after the Russian take-over of the country)
Republic of Georgia-A 1919 Postage Stamp
Illustrated below is a 1919 issue from Georgia. In the early 19th Century Georgia was annexed by Russia and became part of the Russian Empire. After the collapse of the Empire folowing the Russian Revolution Georgia had a brief period of independence until invaded by Soviet Armies in 1921 and incorporated into the U.S.S.R. During Georgia's brief period of independence stamps were issued with the patron saint of Georgia, St George, as the central motif in their design.
George the 5th and 6th-Continuity of Designs in British Empire Postage Stamps
Illustrated below are two examples of how designs were re-issued for the reigns of different British monarchs with the same value and design with the monarch's portrait the only difference. The examples are of stamps issued for Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika but examples of many British colonies illustrate this. Many of the designs for Elizabeth the 2nd issued for British colonies showed the continuity of design. Psychologically important perhaps for the smooth running of imperial policy even in times of succession and change.

The Last Monarchs of their Countries-Five Portrait Postage Stamps
Illustrated below are 5 stamps each with a portrait of the last monarch of the country. The first example is Queen Liliuokalani last queen of Hawii, below is Czar Nicholas the 2nd last Czar of Russia, below that is Victor Emanuel 3rd, last king of Italy. Hawii became a Republic in 1893, Russia in 1917 and Italy in 1946.
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